__________________________________ __________________________________ NEW BORN BABY CARE: 2020

Tuesday, 20 October 2020


In 2020, the green building won’t be just for commercial or off-grid survivalists. Instead, it will set new trends in the metal building industry. Let’s put together common green building trends you’ll need to know in 2020.

  • Living Roofs
  • Geothermal Heating and Cooling
  • Voice-activated Smart Home Technology
  • Hardware Covers for Steam Radiators
  • IAQ Devices
  • Energy Modeling
  • LEED Certification

For detailed knowledge about Green Building Trends in 2020, check out this Infographic.

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Baby Care: Use THESE tips to take care of your baby during the winter season

 Winter season can be very harsh on us and especially on the little infants who have a tiny developing immune system which cannot protect them well. This means that we need to take the necessary steps to care for our little ones during the winter season.

We all love this chilly winter season but sometimes it can get really tough to handle the chills of the winter season. Winter is the time when we all absolutely love staying curled up in our warm beds at home as opposed to anything else. After all, who wants to deal with the harsh winter chills and we all hate falling sick and struggling with a cough and cold during the winters. But what happens when you have a new baby who is still growing up.

It's very important to care for your baby the right way during winters because their immune system is not well developed and still developing which makes them more vulnerable to colds and cough and infections which can be very difficult to deal with. This is why it is essential to take steps to prevent such problems and protect your little baby from falling ill due to the harsh winter season.

Here are some easy steps to take care of your baby during the winter season:

1. Use a humidifier or a heater to keep your baby's room warm. During the winters the rooms too tend to get cold and it's always best to maintain a normal temperature of the room your baby spends the maximum time in. Invest in a good heater or humidifier to maintain the room temperature as well as keep the air in the room from getting too dry.

2. Use a good moisturiser to keep your baby's soft and sensitive skin healthy. The harsh winters can take a toll on your baby's skin and irritate him or her. This is why you need to use a good lotion or cream to keep your baby's skin nourished and supple.

3. Don't forget to give your baby a well-deserved massage daily and use a good moisturising oil for the same. Massaging helps your baby grow and develop better and stimulates blood flow and also boosts immunity. Moreover, using a nourishing oil can also be very good for your baby's skin.

4. It's very important to ensure that your baby is dressed in the right clothing. Keep your baby warm and comfortable at the same time. Do not wrap your baby up in too many warm clothes as it may make him or her feel stuffy and restrict movement which will, in turn, irritate your baby. Stick to good quality thermal clothes and keep your baby warm and comfy.

5. It's very important to remember that you are the one person who constantly touches your child and you may easily transfer germs to your child. Maintain your own hygiene during winters to keep your baby safe and protected from germs and infections. Wash your hands and sanitize them before holding or touching your baby. Your sweaters can be a breeding ground for germs. Change into fresh clothes as soon as you get home before you hold your baby.

Ensure that anyone who holds or touches the baby sanitizes his or her hands before doing so. Avoid going close to your baby or holding him or her too much if you've caught a cold. Try to use a face mask in case you do have a cold or cough. 

Winter care tips for babies

 In general, babies need one more layer of clothing than adults. Stick your hand inside your baby's clothing to see if he seems hot. Too much? Take one layer off.

Follow these seven tips for keeping your baby’s skin protected all winter long so you can enjoy all of the joys that the season brings.

Layer up, but not too much

When it’s cold outside we want to bundle our little ones up and protect them from the elements. And what’s cuter than a baby in a little snow hat? But how do you know if it’s enough, and when is it too much? The easiest thing to do is dress babies in several layers of clothing. In general, babies need one more layer of clothing than adults. Stick your hand inside your baby’s clothing to see if he seems hot. Too much? Take one layer off. If you see a little heat rash from overheating (yes, they can get it in the winter time too) treat it with a dab of safe, low-dose, over-the-counter hydrocortisone for a couple of days. But remember, hydrocortisone is a medicine, not a lotion, and should not be used for long periods of time.

Protect against the elements

This goes hand in hand with dressing in layers, but be sure to keep your baby protected from the cold and wind as much as possible. You might consider using a cover for your stroller so you can still get in those daily walks but your baby won’t be exposed to the wind and cold. And make sure her head and hands are covered whenever you’ll be out for prolonged periods of time.

Use a humidifier

Plug a humidifier in your baby’s room when he sleeps at night. Since central heating in the home also sucks the moisture out of your baby’s skin, you’ve got to replenish it. Using a humidifier will help to put some of that moisture back into the house and into your baby’s skin.

Think warm, not hot

Nice, warm baths may be just thing to warm your baby up after being outside in the cold. We recommend a bath each night to help your baby wind down and get ready for sleep. Make sure you continue with your nighttime bath routine throughout the winter, but be sure to use lukewarm – not hot – water. Also, keep bath times short – as short as five minutes – for small babies. Extended exposure to the water and hot water temperatures are also culprits of stripping moisture from the skin.

Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise

We know that it’s important to moisturise skin all year long, and sweet, tender baby skin is no exception. In the winter months when we have cold air, wind and central heat all working against skin’s natural moisture it is more important than ever. When your baby finishes a bath, pat him dry to preserve some of the moisture on his skin. Then, make sure you use a moisturiser on your baby after every bath. At the first sign of any dry skin, bump up your baby’s moisturiser from a cream to a hydrating ointment. Ointments have at least 80 per cent oil in their composition and are the most effective at preventing water loss from the skin. A trick to making ointments feel less greasy is to apply them to skin that is still damp.

Attack eczema head on

If your baby shows any signs of eczema, be sure to moisturise twice a day with an ointment in addition to moisturising after baths. A big part of eczema care is prevention on the front end so it never gets bad and uncomfortable for your baby.

Call in the experts

If your baby has dry, sensitive or red, irritated skin, you can use a low dose (1 per cent) hydrocortisone cream on the impacted areas. If the inflammation and irritation don’t improve in a couple of days, call your doctor. Your paediatrician or dermatologist may have a prescription that will do the trick.


Choosing the right day-care for your baby can be quite a task, both emotionally and logistically. As a parent, you have your own reasons to opt for a day-care – be it professional obligations, social skill development or anything else that you find justified. But above all, what you are actually looking for, is a clean & quality day-care that has a friendly, interactive and passionate staff.

The early years of your munchkin’s healthy brain development calls for a lot of attention. A good day-care can be the perfect place to help your toddler develop social skills, build a good relationship with their teacher, inculcate good habits and a lot more to learn and grow with. Read along to know how you should go about it and what to look for in a day-care:

1. Where To Start?: A recommendation from family and friends can be an amazing starting point! Looking for some options in your own area should be considered because you don’t want to waste those precious hours on the road when you can spend that time making memories with your little one or finishing up one of your pending tasks.

2. Licensing: A legalized permission to run the day care business, is what a state-level license indicates. However, keeping a check on the hygiene factors like cleanliness & quality comes with accreditation from renowned organizations like:

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA)

3. Good Teacher-to-Child Ratio: A caregiver should be there to keep a check on your child, at all times. Even if your little one is asleep, he/she is not left alone. Ideally, a caregiver should be supervising three to four babies/toddlers as these ratios determine the attention your baby will get for healthy social and emotional development.

4. Quality Educational Staff: The teachers or the educational staff should not just be creative and intelligent but should also have proper education and training too! You should ask about the professional development they usually get. Ideally, an efficient and educational staff must get such training each year to keep a check on their skills.

5. A Positive & Healthy Environment: A good and transparent policy procedure is something a quality day-care would always adhere to. Their day-to-day functioning depends largely on these, for it keeps the efficiency of the internal system at check. A good day-care would be happy and open to share everything (starting from immunizations to diaper changing routines). There must be processes in place to follow in case of an injured or a sick child. Also, emergency plans on sudden catastrophic situations like fire, flood or any other natural disaster should also be on the list.

6. Focused Mainly On Learning: Keep a check on the availability of age-appropriate toys, books and accessories. You may always enquire on what is the weekly activity plan schedule, which may include reading, art, music, drama and outdoor activities as well. Reading must be on their schedule.

7. Excellence Driven: With high standards and a motive that always leads to improvement, an ideal day-care must be driven by excellence. How is the program evaluated? Are outside evaluators the people who observe the program? What is the training plan for the professional development of the staff? Knowing answers to these, can help you a lot in choosing the perfect day-care for your little one.

If you find the best justified answers to most of such questions, you may have found just the right day-care for your baby/toddler. Let learning and growth be a fun-loving experience for them, after all!

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Newborn Baby Care – Important Tips For Parents

The first few months with your newborn can be chaotic and overwhelming for first-time parents. You will get all kinds of contradicting advice from everyone about newborn baby care. Deciding what advice to follow in regards to newborn care can be confusing. Caring for a newborn is exhausting and challenging, but it is also one of the most wonderful and rewarding experiences of your life.

Tips to Take Care of Newborn Baby

Taking care of a newborn is obviously a challenge when it is your first time. So, here are ten ways that will assist you in taking care of a newborn baby:

1. Feeding

It is very important to feed the baby on time. A newborn has to be fed every 2 to 3 hours, which means you need to nurse her 8-12 times in 24 hours. An infant should be fed only breast milk for the first 6 months of life. Breast milk contains vital nutrients and antibodies that are required for a baby’s survival and growth. Nurse the baby for 10 minutes at least. Hold the breast near your baby’s lips until she latches on firmly and starts sucking. If the baby has latched on correctly, the mother will not experience any pain in her nipples. The breast should feel less full once the baby is done the feeding. This is an indication that the baby is getting enough milk. In case breast milk is not an option, feed the baby with a doctor-recommended formula. The baby should get 60 to 90ml of formula per feeding.

2. Burping

Once the baby is fed, she needs to be burped. Babies swallow air while feeding, which causes gas and colic in their tummies. Burping expels this excess air, thus aiding in digestion and preventing spit-ups and stomach colic. Gently hold the baby against your chest with one hand. Her chin should rest on your shoulder. Pat or stroke her back very gently with your other hand until she burps.

3. How to Hold Your Newborn

It is very important to ensure that you are supporting your baby’s head and neck with one hand while holding her. This is because her neck muscles are not yet strong enough to hold up the head independently. The backbone is also still growing and becoming stronger. The neck will be able to support the head on its own only after 3 months of age. So pay attention to supporting your baby’s head and neck while taking care of a newborn baby.

4. Umbilical Cord Stump Care

An important aspect of newborn baby care in the 1st monthis caring for the umbilical cord stump. Do not bathe your baby for the initial 2-3 weeks. Give her a sponge bath instead with lukewarm water. Keep the navel area clean and dry. Keep the baby’s diaper folded down so that the stump can dry. Disinfect your hands before handling the navel area. To clean, use a damp cloth and dry with a clean, absorbent cloth. Lookout for signs of infection in the cord-stump area. If there is redness, swelling, smelly discharge or pus, and bleeding in the navel area, take the baby to a paediatrician.

5. Diapering

Changing diapers frequently is an important aspect when taking care of a newborn baby after delivery.If your baby is getting sufficient breast milk or formula, she will wet at least 6 to 8 diapers in a day, along with regular bowel movements. Change her diaper frequently, as soon as it feels full. You may even have to change it at least 10 times a day. To change a dirty diaper, you will need a changing sheet, gentle diaper wipes, diaper rash cream or baby powder and fresh diapers. In order to prevent UTI, wipe your baby girl from front to back rather than back to front. And let your baby remain without a diaper for a few hours each day.

6. Bathing

Bathing a newborn is a delicate task. You should start bathing the baby 2 to 3 times a week after the cord stump dries and falls off. Make sure you have all the bathing and changing supplies ready before you take the baby for a bath. Bath time just before bedtime helps babies sleep more soundly. You will need an infant bathtub, lukewarm water, mild baby soap or body wash, a washcloth, soft towel, baby lotion or cream, new diaper, and fresh baby clothes. Get your partner or a family member to help, so that one person can hold the baby’s neck and head above the water while the other bathes the baby. Use soap sparingly. Clean the baby’s genitals, scalp, hair, neck, face, and any dried mucous that has collected around the nose with the washcloth. Rinse your baby’s body with lukewarm water. Once this is done, dry the baby’s body with a soft towel, apply lotion and put on a fresh diaper and baby clothes.

7. Massaging

Massaging is a great way to bond with your baby. It also helps in soothing the baby to sleep and in improving blood circulation and digestion. Spread a small quantity of baby oil or lotion on your hands. Next, gently and rhythmically stroke her body. Maintain eye contact with the baby and talk to her when massaging her body. A good time to massage the baby is before her bath.

8. Handling Your Newborn

There are a few things to keep in mind when playing with your baby. Never shake your baby as her internal organs are delicate and can be damaged by vigorous shaking. Do not throw the baby up into the air, as this can be dangerous. Always disinfect or wash your hands before handling the baby, as their immune systems are not fully developed, and they are vulnerable to infections. Ensure that your baby is fastened securely in a stroller, car seat, or baby carrier if you are taking her out. Make your baby lie on her tummy every day for a short while. This will make her neck and back muscles stronger. It will also improve her vision, as she will need to look up and sideways to see.

9. Sleeping

Newborns need to sleep for about 16 hours a day in the first 2 months. They usually take naps that are 2 to 4 hours long and wake up if they are hungry or wet. As the baby needs to be fed every 3 hours, you may need to wake her and feed her. Do not worry in case she does not follow the ideal newborn sleep pattern. Every baby is different and has a different sleep cycle. You should also remember to alternate your baby’s head position while she is sleeping. This prevents the formation of flat spots on the head. Make sure you put the baby to sleep on her back to avoid suffocation. A mother should try to take naps along with the baby. She can also use the time to have a bath or eat a meal peacefully while her baby is asleep.

10. Trimming Nails

Newborn nails grow very fast. The baby may scratch her own face or body with her hand movements. Hence, it is important to keep the baby’s nails trimmed. As the nails of a baby are soft, so use baby nail clippers. Try and trim the nails gently when the baby is asleep. Do not trim it too deeply as the nails are very tender and it could be painful for the baby. Do not trim the edges of the nails as this will cause ingrown nails.
New parents should seek help from family or friends so that they can rest and take care of themselves too. First-time parents of a newborn can be quite perplexed about several aspects of newborn baby care. This article will help new moms care for their newborns with confidence.
Source- https://blog.looglebiz.com/health/newborn-baby-care-important-tips-for-parents/

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