__________________________________ __________________________________ NEW BORN BABY CARE: October 2018

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

12 Effective Tips On How To Take Care Of Baby In Winter

Why is Baby Care in Winter Essential?Problem Caused by Winter VirusesSymptoms of Winter Infections in BabiesUseful Tips for Infant Care in WinterWhat if Your Newborn Baby Falls Sick in Winter?
Once the sweaty summers are over and the moist monsoons have bid their goodbye, many welcome the winter with a happy smile on their face. The ideal picture for a new mother spending time with her kid in the winter is being snuggled in a blanket, cradling the child in one hand, a warm bowl of soup in the other, and reading a nice book to him. But this dreamy scenario can easily be shattered by the little one falling sick. Newborn baby care in winter is one of the prime responsibilities and your child requires all the help he can get to stay healthy throughout the months.

Once the sweaty summers are over and the moist monsoons have bid their goodbye, many welcome the winter with a happy smile on their face. The ideal picture for a new mother spending time with her kid in the winter is being snuggled in a blanket, cradling the child in one hand, a warm bowl of soup in the other, and reading a nice book to him. But this dreamy scenario can easily be shattered by the little one falling sick. Newborn baby care in winter is one of the prime responsibilities and your child requires all the help he can get to stay healthy throughout the months.

Why is Baby Care in Winter Essential?

Newborn babies require continued care and support until they reach a point where they can sustain themselves in a better way. But this need for care is increased when winter approaches. The reduced temperature of the atmosphere triggers various processes within the body to keep itself safe and the vital organs functioning well. Most of the energy is then used to maintain the body temperature appropriately, diverting it from other areas. This is where the immunity of the body takes a hit as well. Furthermore, winter is a gala time for different microbes and viruses to thrive and find hosts to infect. Combined with a decreased immunity, your baby becomes an easy target for diseases and increases the chances of the little one falling ill.

Problem Caused by Winter Viruses

Baby skin care in winter is just the tip of the iceberg. One of the key problems that take place in winter is the spread of various viruses that readily affect anyone in a matter of time. This gives rise to the typical winter diseases such as:

Influenza and bronchiolitis, both affecting the throat
Croup as well as rhinovirus, which can easily get quite severe if unattended
A variety of respiratory sensitive viruses, which affect the respiratory tract and can cause anything from a simple cough to severe breathing problems
Symptoms of Winter Infections in Babies
Most of the infections that occur in winter have strong symptoms, which make them easier to be spotted and action being taken right away. The major ones amongst them are:

Severe coughing that results in vomiting
Having trouble in taking breaths, causing the baby to gasp or take tiny breaths
Wheezing sounds while sleeping or even after coughing
Pain in the chest due to inflamed lungs as a result of a respiratory infection
Constantly runny nose, fever, cough, with a headache and fatigue

Useful Tips for Infant Care in Winter

To have a better understanding of how to take care of a baby’s skin in winter and ensure he stays healthy throughout the season, there are a few tips you can remember and put into action in order to keep your child safe.

1. Use a Humidifier
In certain areas, the temperature can plummet quite a bit, making it necessary to use heating systems or portable heaters next to your baby. In such a scenario, the heating apparatus could rob the room of water vapour, making the air dry as well as your child’s skin. Install a humidifier in the room as well so that the moisture levels are maintained optimally.


2. Use a Moisturizer
Your child’s skin is extremely sensitive and the harsh atmosphere of the winter does not treat it gently. To keep your child’s skin in the soft and lush way as it is, make use of skin creams specifically made for babies or even a nice skin lotion. Opt for those that are rich in milk cream and butter, or make use of actual milk cream as well, since it is a great natural way to maintain the glow and texture of your baby’s skin.

3. Don’t Use a Lot of Products
Tell parents to take care of their baby, and most of them will typically overdo it. Applying lotions and creams is fine. But in the attempt to keep your baby clean and safe for infection, you might give him numerous baths, which further exposes him to soaps and shampoos. These rob the little one’s skin from the existing moisture and make dry skin even worse. Water baths during winters are fine and opt for using soaps once in a week or so.

4. Massage Your Baby Well
No matter what season your baby has been born in, massaging your child is highly recommended by doctors and caretakers alike. The very act of massaging stimulates the blood flow within the body and increases the sense of well-being, which indirectly boosts the immunity within your kid as well. Maintain a warm atmosphere when massaging your baby and choose an appropriate time. Don’t hesitate to use natural oils, too.

5. Don’t Use Heavy Blankets
Laying a nice heavy blanket on your baby to keep him warm might seem the best way to comfort your child in winter. But that isn’t the safest way for your child. The inability of your child to shift the blanket and the chance of it pulling above his face could result in a sudden infant death. Use a light blanket and keep room temperature optimal.

6. Use Comfortable Clothing
Keeping your child constantly wrapped up in thick sweaters, gloves, socks and a cap could restrict him from moving easily and frankly make the entire getup quite irritating. Choose to clothe depending on the room temperature, and opt for clothes that fully cover his body but are not constricting. Gloves and socks are recommended as well since it is enough to make your child sleep peacefully.

Once the sweaty summers are over and the moist monsoons have bid their goodbye, many welcome the winter with a happy smile on their face. The ideal picture for a new mother spending time with her kid in the winter is being snuggled in a blanket, cradling the child in one hand, a warm bowl of soup in the other, and reading a nice book to him. But this dreamy scenario can easily be shattered by the little one falling sick. Newborn baby care in winter is one of the prime responsibilities and your child requires all the help he can get to stay healthy throughout the months.

7. Maintain a Warm Temperature
Keeping your home and your baby’s room comfortable and warm is quite a challenge in the winters. It is best to keep the windows shut if you are in a place where cold air keeps blowing quite frequently. That being said, make sure there is a way that the air in the room stays ventilated. Use a heater, if required, so that your baby is comfortable by himself.

8. Stick to The Vaccination Schedule
Yes, winter is a time when babies tend to fall sick and their immunity levels are reduced as well. But that isn’t a reason to skip any vaccine for the fear that it might make your baby ill. On the contrary, it is highly important to give him the shot he needs at the right time, so that he doesn’t face problems ahead in life or even during the same winter, too. In case you do end up skipping it by chance, get the next date confirmed from your doctor and go for it without fail.

9. Don’t Stop Breastfeeding
Mother’s milk is known to contain a treasure trove of antibodies and nutrients that help the baby strengthen his own immunity and protect him from the usual diseases. Continuing to breastfeed during winter makes sure that this support from the mother remains undeterred. Furthermore, the warmth of your body and your milk can be quite relaxing for the child as well.

10. Maintaining Your Own Hygiene
You are going to be the first point of contact for your child. Which is why it is absolutely necessary for you to be clean and healthy as a protection for your own baby. Wash your hands and disinfect them with a sanitizer every time you attend to your child. Germs can find the smallest way of reaching your kid, so make sure you stop all paths right away. Inform any visitors or guests to do the same as well.

11. Taking Care Outdoors
Unless is absolutely freezing outdoors, it is fine to step out of the house once in a while to get some fresh air. Make sure your baby is protected from head to toe before taking him out. Any exposure of the skin to the cold wind could make him uncomfortable quickly. Make sure that your baby’s toes are a bit on the cooler side and the tummy is on the warmer side. This is the ideal sign that your baby’s body is at the right temperature.

12. Include Soup in The Diet
If your baby has reached the age where he can start going for solids, winter is a great time to introduce him to the world of soups. The cold atmosphere mixed with a warm soup can be absolutely enticing for anyone. Using chicken broths or vegetables by crushing them down to a fine puree and making soup from it, is the best option for your child. If possible, try including some garlic with the soup too, since it is known to be a natural remedy for treating winter ailments.

What if Your Newborn Baby Falls Sick in Winter?

At times, even taking the best precautions cannot help prevent an illness, and your baby will soon be at discomfort due to it. Having a newborn fall ill is quite an issue and having that in the winter is yet another challenge.

If it is the common flu or cold, use homemade saline solution or nasal drops to help relieve a blocked nose and get your baby to breathe properly. That could itself bring quite some relief.

Make sure your child stays hydrated. Keep breastfeeding him or giving him water separately. If he can drink soups or so, do alternate them appropriately to keep his taste interested and body fluids at a proper level.

Cuddling your baby lovingly and spending time with him is just as necessary along with other precautionary measures. Many times, the presence of safety and comfort can help the body combat the infection by itself. Although, if the signs and symptoms of the infection tend to start worsening, do contact your doctor right away.

Winter is a time of fun and family, but also a time that can bring forth numerous diseases. Knowing the right home remedies for baby skin care in winter along with the necessary precautions to prevent illness should be your first step in spending a safe winter. Stay in touch with your doctor to get a quick suggestion on any health issue. Maintain a proper atmosphere at home that is warm and hygienic, and your baby will enjoy his very first winter in all its glory.

Source: http://parenting.firstcry.com/

Thursday, 11 October 2018

How to Take Care of a Newborn (with Pictures)

Taking care of your new born involves care and utmost hygiene, so that your tiny tot does not fall ill.

The most exciting and memorable day of your life was the day you brought your baby home. Even before the baby arrived, you spent all your time decorating the nursery and cleaning the house. And then your cleaning duties quadrupled after the baby arrived. Since the immune systems of infants are not quite developed, they can catch infections faster. There is no alternative but to keep the house as free of germs as possible.

Check out these simple tips for new born baby care:

Wash your hands often. The monsoon season brings with it cooling breezes and a whole lot of germs. The damp atmosphere encourages fungal and bacterial growth all over the house. You might inadvertently carry flu or common cold germs to your baby, so the best thing to do is wash your hands with Dettol antibacterial soap multiple times during the day. Wash your hands before you prepare the baby’s formula, give the baby a bath, handle the sippy cup or teething ring, and even when dressing or changing the baby. Wash all of baby’s things in antibacterial soap or detergent and let them air dry before use.

Keep away if you’re unwell. It is common to catch a cold during this season, and equally easy to pass it on to your baby. It is best to keep away from your baby if you have a fever or a runny nose. If you must handle the baby (for feeding or changing), wear latex gloves and don a clean set of clothes before picking up the child.

Store baby’s diapers in a dry place. All items that are left undisturbed for some period of time will attract mould and fungal growth. These can cause skin irritation for your baby. Always buy sealable diaper packets and keep naphthalene balls or silica gel packets in the diaper drawer to absorb moisture. Keep wipes, talcum powder and a changing flannel in the same drawer, so that you can change the baby quickly.

Disinfecting the house. New born care also includes keeping the house unconditionally clean. Apart from flies and mosquitoes flying in and spreading diseases, your house might attract cockroaches, germs, fungal and bacterial infections. Spraying all plastic, metal and glass surfaces with Dettol Multi-Use Hygiene antibacterial liquid cleaners, mopping the floors with disinfectant soap and using Dettol Multi-Purpose cleaning wipes on spills will keep germs and bacterial infections at bay. Focus your energies on keeping the kitchen, bathroom and wash basin clean and free of germs. Also get your house fumigated to keep flies and other insects away.

Be careful with baby’s clothes. You wash your hands before handling the baby and put several hygiene checks in place to keep your house clean. It is prudent to exercise similar precautions with the baby’s clothes and toys as well. The baby’s clothes should not be washed with the rest of your laundry load. Wash the baby’s clothes and intimates separately with fabric softener and mild anti-bacterial detergent. Air dry all the clothes and accessories, and steam dry any metal or rubber implements or toys. Also, even if your baby wears diapers and there is minimal chance of bedwetting, do change the baby’s bedding every two days to keep germs away.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Most Effective Newborn Baby Care Tips in First 30 Days

Parent-to-parent advice on feeding, soothing, and more during baby's first days at home.


It's been six weeks since our daughter, Clementine, was born. She's finally sleeping better and going longer between feedings. She's also becoming more alert when she's awake. My husband and I, on the other hand, feel like we've been hit by a truck. I'm amazed that we've muddled through. Here are tips from seasoned parents and baby experts to make your first month easier.

Hints for Nursing

Babies eat and eat and eat. Although nature has done a pretty good job of providing you and your baby with the right equipment, in the beginning it's almost guaranteed to be harder than you expected. From sore nipples to tough latch-ons, nursing can seem overwhelming.

1. Women who seek help have a higher success rate. "Think of ways to ensure success before you even give birth," suggests Stacey Brosnan, a lactation consultant in New York City. Talk with friends who had a good nursing experience, ask baby's pediatrician for a lactation consultant's number, or attend a La Leche League (nursing support group) meeting (see laleche.org to find one).

2. Use hospital resources. Kira Sexton, a Brooklyn, New York, mom, says, "I learned everything I could about breastfeeding before I left the hospital." Ask if there's a nursing class or a lactation consultant on staff. Push the nurse-call button each time you're ready to feed the baby, and ask a nurse to spot you and offer advice.

3. Prepare. At home, you'll want to drop everything to feed the baby the moment she cries for you. But Heather O'Donnell, a mom in New York City, suggests taking care of yourself first. "Get a glass of water and a book or magazine to read." And, because breastfeeding can take a while, she says, "pee first!"

4. Try a warm compress if your breasts are engorged or you have blocked ducts. A heating pad or a warm, wet washcloth works, but a flax pillow (often sold with natural beauty products) is even better. "Heat it in the microwave, and conform it to your breast," says Laura Kriska, a mom in Brooklyn, New York.

5. Heat helps the milk flow, but if your breasts are sore after nursing, try a cold pack. Amy Hooker, a San Diego mom, says, "A bag of frozen peas worked really well for me."

6. If you want baby to eventually take a bottle, introduce it after breastfeeding is established but before the 3-month mark. Many experts say 6 to 8 weeks is good, but "we started each of our kids on one bottle a day at 3 weeks," says Jill Sizemore, a mom in Pendleton, Indiana.


If your infant isn't eating, he's probably sleeping. Newborns log as many as 16 hours of sleep a day but only in short bursts. The result: You'll feel on constant alert and more exhausted than you ever thought possible. Even the best of us can come to resent the severe sleep deprivation.

7. Stop obsessing about being tired. There's only one goal right now: Care for your baby. "You're not going to get a full night's sleep, so you can either be tired and angry or just tired," says Vicki Lansky, author of Getting Your Child to Sleep...and Back to Sleep (Book Peddlers). "Just tired is easier."

8. Take shifts. One night it's Mom's turn to rock the cranky baby, the next it's Dad's turn. Amy Reichardt and her husband, Richard, parents in Denver, worked out a system for the weekends, when Richard was off from work. "I'd be up with the baby at night but got to sleep in. Richard did all the morning care, then got to nap later."

9. The old adage "Sleep when your baby sleeps" really is the best advice. "Take naps together and go to bed early," says Sarah Clark, a mom in Washington, D.C.

10. What if your infant has trouble sleeping? Do whatever it takes: Nurse or rock baby to sleep; let your newborn fall asleep on your chest or in the car seat. "Don't worry about bad habits yet. It's about survival -- yours!" says Jean Farnham, a Los Angeles mom.


It's often hard to decipher exactly what baby wants in the first murky weeks. You'll learn, of course, by trial and error.

11. "The key to soothing fussy infants is to mimic the womb. Swaddling, shushing, and swinging, as well as allowing babies to suck and holding them on their sides, may trigger a calming reflex," says Harvey Karp, MD, creator of The Happiest Baby on the Block books, videos, and DVDs.

12. Play tunes. Forget the dubious theory that music makes a baby smarter, and concentrate on the fact that it's likely to calm him. "The Baby Einstein tapes saved us," says Kim Rich, a mom in Anchorage, Alaska.

13. Warm things up. Alexandra Komisaruk, a mom in Los Angeles, found that diaper changes triggered a meltdown. "I made warm wipes using paper towels and a pumpable thermos of warm water," she says. You can also buy an electric wipe warmer for a sensitive baby.

14. You'll need other tricks, too. "Doing deep knee bends and lunges while holding my daughter calmed her down," says Emily Earle, a mom in Brooklyn, New York. "And the upside was, I got my legs back in shape!"

15. Soak to soothe. If all else fails -- and baby's umbilical cord stub has fallen off -- try a warm bath together. "You'll relax, too, and a relaxed mommy can calm a baby," says Emily Franklin, a Boston mom.

Getting Dad Involved

Your husband, who helped you through your pregnancy, may seem at a loss now that baby's here. It's up to you, Mom, to hand the baby over and let Dad figure things out, just like you're doing.

16. Let him be. Many first-time dads hesitate to get involved for fear of doing something wrong and incurring the wrath of Mom. "Moms need to allow their husbands to make mistakes without criticizing them," says Armin Brott, author of The New Father: A Dad's Guide to the First Year (Abbeville Press).

17. Ask Dad to take time off from work -- after all the relatives leave. That's what Thad Calabrese, of Brooklyn, New York, did. "There was more for me to do, and I got some alone time with my son."

18. Divvy up duties. Mark DiStefano, a dad in Los Angeles, took over the cleaning and grocery shopping. "I also took Ben for a bit each afternoon so my wife could have a little time to herself."

19. Remember that Dad wants to do some fun stuff, too. "I used to take my shirt off and put the baby on my chest while we napped," say Bob Vonnegut, a dad in Islamorada, Florida. "I loved the rhythm of our hearts beating together."

Staying Sane

No matter how excited you are to be a mommy, the constant care an infant demands can drain you. Find ways to take care of yourself by lowering your expectations and stealing short breaks.

20. First, ignore unwanted or confusing advice. "In the end, you're the parents, so you decide what's best," says Julie Balis, a mom in Frankfort, Illinois.

21. "Forget about housework for the first couple of months," says Alison Mackonochie, author of 100 Tips for a Happy Baby (Barron's). "Concentrate on getting to know your baby. If anyone has anything to say about the dust piling up or the unwashed dishes, smile and hand them a duster or the dish detergent!"

22. Accept help from anyone who is nice -- or naive -- enough to offer. "If a neighbor wants to hold the baby while you shower, say yes!" says Jeanne Anzalone, a mom in Croton-on-Hudson, New York.

23. Got lots of people who want to help but don't know how? "Don't be afraid to tell people exactly what you need," says Abby Moskowitz, a Brooklyn mom. It's one of the few times in your life when you'll be able to order everyone around!

24. But don't give other people the small jobs. "Changing a diaper takes two minutes. You'll need others to do time-consuming work like cooking, sweeping floors, and buying diapers," says Catherine Park, a Cleveland mom.

25. Reconnect. To keep yourself from feeling detached from the world, Jacqueline Kelly, a mom in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, suggests: "Get outside on your own, even for five minutes."

Out and About with Baby
26. Enlist backup. Make your first journey to a big, public place with a veteran mom. "Having my sister with me for support kept me from becoming flustered the first time I went shopping with my newborn," says Suzanne Zook, a mom in Denver.

27. If you're on your own, "stick to places likely to welcome a baby, such as story hour at a library or bookstore," suggests Christin Gauss, a mom in Fishers, Indiana.

28. "Keep your diaper bag packed," says Fran Bowen, a mom in Brooklyn. There's nothing worse than finally getting the baby ready, only to find that you're not.

29. Stash a spare. Holland Brown, a mom in Long Beach, California, always keeps a change of adult clothes in her diaper bag. "You don't want to get stuck walking around with an adorable baby but mustard-colored poop all over you."

30. Finally, embrace the chaos. "Keep your plans simple and be prepared to abandon them at any time," says Margi Weeks, a mom in Tarrytown, New York.

If nothing else, remember that everyone makes it through, and so will you. Soon enough you'll be rewarded with your baby's first smile, and that will help make up for all the initial craziness.

Source: https://www.parents.com/baby/care/newborn/your-newborn-30-tips-for-the-first-30-days/

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