__________________________________ __________________________________ NEW BORN BABY CARE: July 2016

Saturday, 2 July 2016

How to Take Care of a Newborn

So you've brought home your little bundle of joy -- now what? Though taking care of your newborn can be one of the most special and rewarding experiences of your life, you may feel at a loss for what to do and will need to give your child constant attention and care. To take care of a newborn, you need to know how to give your baby the rest, sustenance and care that s/he needs -- as well as a healthy dose of love and affection.

Mastering the Basics

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    Consider breastfeeding your newborn. If you want to breastfeed your baby, then feeding your baby the first time you hold her after she is delivered is a great place to start. You should turn your baby's body toward you, so you are holding her chest toward yours. Touch her upper lip with your nipple and pull her to your breast when she opens her mouth wide. Once she does this, her mouth should cover your nipple and as much of the areola as possible. Here are some things you should know about breastfeeding your baby:[1]
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    Bathe your newborn. During the first week, you should carefully give your baby a sponge bath. Once the umbilical cord falls off, you can start bathing your baby regularly, around two to three times a week. To do this the right way, you should gather your supplies, such as towels, soap, a clean diaper, etc, in advance, so that your baby isn't fussing around. Fill the tub or baby tub with about three inches of warm water before you begin the bath. Here's what you should do next:
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Keeping Your Newborn Healthy

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    Take your newborn to the doctor regularly. Your baby will pay frequent visits to the doctor during its first year, for scheduled check-ups and shots. Many first newborn visits occur just 1-3 days after you and your baby are discharged from the hospital. After that, each doctor's program will vary slightly, but you should generally take your newborn to the doctor at least two weeks to a month after birth, after the second month, and then every other month or so. [6] It's important to schedule regular visits with your baby to make sure that your baby is growing normally and receiving the necessary care.[7]
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Part 3 Minimizing Stress as a New Parent

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